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DSS930 & dsc950 - dsp EQ conectivity?

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Deelgenomen: 15 jaar geleden
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I just bought a pair of DSS930 with the controler...can someone give me an english version of the user manual..i foud only dutch version and i don't understand..the sound with compensation ON is ok..but i'm wondering if a further EQ or DSP can be aded..I saw that exist an digital in and out but i don;t know if this refer to an eq..also i think that the in and out are digital..exist a DSP digital? for example how can i conect the EQ FV930 into the digital system? or the sound with compensation ON is the best sound possible without posisbility of corection by an external EQ.
I heave also this EQ from this series and I want to know if I may use it in this system..
Thank you for your help..


Eminent Member
Deelgenomen: 19 jaar geleden
Berichten: 21

I can't help you with the english version. However with regards to the digital ports it is not so simple. THe DSS digital connection is SPDIF enhanced with addtional control signals. You can still connect them directly to an SPDIF output, such as cd player, but you would not have the control that the DSC gives.

The out-plug on the DSS is intended to connect to the in-plug of the next DSS speaker so that you can have them in daisy chain while all of them still receive the dsc control signals.

Theoretically you could put a digital eq or dsp in the connection to the box if it has SPDIF interfaces (in/out). However this most likely will block the dsc control signals so you loose volume control for example.

I don't know about the fv930 but i don't expect it has spdif in and spdif out. I think it is analogin/out it provides? You should not put analog circuits in the dss link.

When the compensation is on the dss speakers are extremely flat anyway. If you are not happy with the sound it most likely is because of (room) acoustics (assuming the relais are still good). You might want to experiment with placing them. I have mine dss930's in the corners on 50cm stands, at least 40cm from each wall and it sounds very good.

Noble Member
Deelgenomen: 20 jaar geleden
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You can only use the FV930 for an analog source directly connected to the FV930.
The FV930's output must be connected to one of the analog inputs of the DSC950.

The analog source will be played over de DSS930's because the DSC has an A/D convertor on board.
Mind that there is no D/A converter present, so digital inputs cannot be heard on the headphone socket, only analog inputs appear here

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Deelgenomen: 15 jaar geleden
Berichten: 8
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Yes, you are right. Thank you for your answers.
