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22 RH 545 Woofer

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Deelgenomen: 13 jaar geleden
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Hello to everybody,
I am Peter and new in the MFB-freaks comunity.
However I am quite long years in the area of MFB and since many years owner of 2pcs. of 22 RH 545 boxes with which I have been and still are very satisfied with the performance and I must say that I have never heard something with better sound as my 545´s.
Unfortunately last week one of the woofers broke down instead of 4 Ohm it has a short circuit, so 0 Ohm and obviously does not work anymore so that even the fuse behind burnt down.
I would be very glad, if someone could help me getting another woofer. I would also buy a complete box, if someone would like to get it sold.
Thank you in advance for your help and kind regards
