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please help with my 541...VERY SAD!

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Deelgenomen: 12 jaar geleden
Berichten: 8
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I've got a pair of MFB 541 as well as 545 ( happy to have them ) and a pair of 587.

I've got a problem with one of the 541. Doesn't switch on. I tested the Relay but that's not the problem. I checked also the Fuse and it is ok.

I know my question is not easy to answer because it could be everything which causes the problem but any clue why it doesn't work?

Some suggestion what it can be it could help me to find quickly what's wrong here. Who knows maybe other people had the same problem πŸ™‚

Thank you.


Famed Member
Deelgenomen: 20 jaar geleden
Berichten: 2068

Try to replace the 330u cap near the relais.
looking forward to hear from you again ...
Good luck !

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Deelgenomen: 12 jaar geleden
Berichten: 8
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Thank you for your reply and help. I bought a cap 330mf 25V. Now the speaker switches on, works perfectly for 10 seconds and then the sound fades out distorted. The speaker stays on but no sound. Switch OFF and then back ON and the same problem.


Sounds to me that I have to recap all the speaker...Is there any other thing I could do to make it work?

Famed Member
Deelgenomen: 20 jaar geleden
Berichten: 2068

Did you notice that these capacitors have a + and a - sign on it ?
Do not change the positions of + and - ! Your problem sounds like you did .

Active Member
Deelgenomen: 12 jaar geleden
Berichten: 8
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Ops! I didn't noticed the polarity was inverted...

Thank you very much, now the speaker works perfectly. Just I can't screw the screw close to the electric cable. Seems that once the screw is screwed till the end it pushes the electric cable and switches off the speaker. Don't know how to fix it, sounds to me the switch button is broken or old and it mast be replaced.

Do you think I can find it?

By the way thank you very much. Happy to listen to my music thru the 541 again.

If someone is reading this I have a pair of 587 which I would like to exchange with a pair of 544 with the textil mid and tweeter.
